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Frequently Asked Questions

Home 9 About Us 9 Quality Care 9 Frequently Asked Questions

What is in the Quality Dashboard Report?

North Vista Hospital’s publicly reported clinical data (such as outcome percentages or number of procedures performed) is on the Quality Dashboard Report. Most data is displayed as percentages in the national, state, and hospital average columns.

What if I want to know more about the hospital compare data?

To learn more about the data collected, please visit the Hospital Compare website,

How were these quality indicators selected?

National organizations have endorsed certain quality indicators and safe practices. All the indicators or safe practices have extensive research to support their use and are defined so that all hospitals can use the same method for calculating the statistics. In other words, this method allows hospitals to compare apples to apples. However, we do not agree that all the indicators are valid markers of quality issues, and that is why we support the use of national definitions, and report our performance so that you can compare the data to other hospitals. This way, you are assured that we are not reporting only our strengths.

Does this Quality Dashboard Report include data about individual physicians or patients?

No. We are publishing hospital data only that does not identify individual physician or patient identifiers (for example, name, date of birth, address, etc.).

Why is North Vista Hospital publishing its Quality Dashboard Report?

As the only hospital serving the North Las Vegas community, we believe that you should know how we are performing. We want patients and families to have better information about the quality of healthcare in Southern Nevada. We are confident that open reporting will only improve the health care in Southern Nevada.

We believe that public reporting has helped us document our care more carefully, obtain more valid data, and pushes us to continually improve patient care. We are proud of the work we have done to improve patient quality outcomes.

Finally, we believe that open reporting will improve hospital care in general. We hope that our quality data report will contribute to a better understanding of how to assess, report and improve hospital quality.

What does risk adjusted mean?

The risk of a complication or death varies by patient and by procedure. For example, an older surgical patient who has co-morbid illnesses such as kidney failure and diabetes is at greater risk of developing complications than is a young, healthy patient. Open heart surgery has a greater risk of a collapsed lung than knee surgery does. Risk adjustment mathematically takes into account differences in patient and procedure risk factors, so that comparisons are more meaningful. Risk adjustment allows for comparison of actual performance with predicted performance, based on the average U.S. hospital.

How often will the data on this report be updated?

This report will be updated quarterly or as new data becomes available.